Title: National Level FDP on "CASE WRITING" Dates: 13TH- 14th December, 2014 Venue: Narmada College of Management Gujarat Technological University and Narmada College of Management have organised a unique faculty development programme on Case Writing of six days duration which will be completed in three phases. The first phase was held at Narmada College of Management on 13 th -14 th December, 2014. 28 participants from 11 institutions participated in this faculty development programme which aims to develop the capability among the faculty members for writing cases which are pertinent to Indian business situations. The programme was inaugurated by Dr. Pankaj Jani, Director (Education), Narmada Education and Scientific Research Society in the presence of Prof.(Dr.) Renuka Garg, Professor and Head of the G H Bhakta Academy of Management, Department of Business and Industrial Management, Veer Narma...
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