FDP on “
Dates: January 2nd to 6th, 2015
Venue: Narmada College of Management
on “
Advances in Research Methods and Data analytical Tools ” has been Organised
by : Narmada Collegee of Management, in Association with Gujarat Technological University, Council for Human
Resource Studies and Organizational Structures,(GTU-CHRSOS) on 2nd
Jan 2015.
For this FDP Eminent resource person and senior faculties from
premier Institutes have been invited to facilitate the programme. Resourse
persons were:
Dr Chinam Reddy, Director, Marwadi Institute of Management, & Dean
GTU, Rajkot.
Dr P. G. K. Murthy, Director, Parul Institute of Management, & Dean GTU,
Dr. Darhshana Dave,Professor, GH Patel Institute of business
Management, S P University, Vallabh-Vidya Nagar.
Dr Dhaval Mehata, DBIM, VNSGU, Surat. Dr. Hitesh Parmar, DBIM,
VNSGU, Surat.
Dr Vipul B. Patel, Ganpat University, Mehsana
Dr Kaushal Bhatt and Dr. Ritesh K Patel, PG Research Centre for
Governance Systems at GTU
The FDP had covered the following concepts and
techniques to equip the faculties participants during the five days of the programme.
Introduction to Research Methodology and Understanding of right
research approach towards research design. Orientation and application of SPSS
for advance data Analysis viz. Hypothesis testing, Z-Test, T-Test, Chi-square
Test, Man-Witney test, Wilcoxon test, Krushal Wallis test etc.
Application of SPSS and other software for data analysis
techniques viz. Univariate, Bivariate, and Multivariate analysis, Regression,
ANOVA, MANOVA, Time Series Analysis, Conjoint Analysis, Factor Analysis(CFA),
Cluster Analysis, Discriminant Analysis etc. · Understanding of MDA and SEM etc
for advance analysis.
Importance of research and publications in academic career.
Guidance for publication and writing of research papers, etc.
Pedagogy adopted for the programme was Lectures,
Discussions, Presentations, Exercises, hands-on Practices for Software applications
like SPSS etc. Total 25 participants from various Colleges and Institutions had
participated in FDP. They had stated that this programme was very purposeful
for their career and research development.Certification was endorsed and issued by GTU to 25 participants
who successfully completed the whole programme
Programme was
coordinated by Dr. Trupti Almoula, I/C Director-NCM & Director- Council for HR Skills
and Organisational Structures, GTU. Dr. Chetna Makwana, Asst. Professor
– NCM Prof. Kunal Mojidra, Asst. Professor – NCM and Ms. Krutika
Raval, Coordinator, CHRSOS and Assistant Professor, GTU.
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