21ST JUNE, 2019 AT
Narmada College of Management
observed the 5th International Yoga Day on 21st June,
Friday at the Conference Hall of the College.
Faculty, staff and students
participated in the programme which covered both theory and practical aspects
of Yoga. The program began with an introduction to the theory of Yoga by Prof.
Subhash Yadav as it being a part of the
six schools of Indian Philosophy.
Systematized by the sage Patanjali it has eight limbs with Yama, Niyama, Asana,
Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi.
After the discussion of theoretical
aspects Prof. Rashmi Ghamawala, led the group of faculty, staff and students
into the practical aspects of Asana and Pranayama.
Beginning with Padmasana, she first
demonstrated the asana before the group and then guided the entire group into
the practical performance of the asana.
After Padmaasana, she demonstrated
the Surya Namaskar, with its detailed explanation of eleven steps and its
health benefits. After that it was done by all the participants under her able
guidance. Then other asana namely
Ushtraasana, Dhanuraasana, Halaasana, Gomukhasana, and Sarvangaasana were
performed by the group.
After asana practice, Pranayama was
performed by the participants. First anuloma viloma, and then Kapalbhati was
demonstrated and practiced by the group. Demonstration of some difficult asanas
was also done by the members of the group.
After the session, all the
participants felt energetic and it was felt that this exercise can be continued
throughout the year for health and energy benefits for all.
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